Rug Repairs

Rug Repairs

We provide professional rug cleaning services in Brooklyn that are effective, affordable and environmentally friendly.
Fine Rugs are a work of art. They are often the centerpiece of your home design. With time rugs tend to wear out and become marred through everyday use due to many reasons.
Clean Green Carpet Cleaning Brooklyn is proud to offer a complete array of rug repair and restoration services in New York. We offer the best rug cleaning brooklyn services to our clients, From commercial cleaning to residential cleaning, we have you covered!
It takes years to learn the methods and special work needed to repair and restore rugs to near new condition. Our trained technicians and highly experienced craftsmen can carry out any type of rug repair ranging from stain treatment to complete color restoration, reweaving and rebuilding.

Rug repair is a task that requires the right tools and a lot of expertise, That’s why we are here to provide you with the best rug cleaning in Brooklyn

Our area rug repair services are affordable and effective. We use the latest technologies and cleaning solutions to clean your rugs. We have a team of experienced and professional cleaners who are passionate about their work. We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can be sure that you will be happy with the results.